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8 Steps to All-Star Achievement
on and off the court.

Be About It Bookcover - Titus Warmsley

Titus Warmsley's

Don't Talk About It...Be About It!

8 Steps to All-star Achievement ...
On and Off the Court.

Details: Softcover, 42 pages, English
Dimensions:  8.5" X 11"
Shipping: USPS First Class Mail

Sample pages: [1]  [2]  [3]  [4(samples are in PDF format * )

Cost: $22.00 USD


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"When I first met Titus on set of shooting the film "Glory Road", I was saying to myself, he had to have played somewhere.  After spending time with him, I soon realized that he was the right man for the job... not only as the Actor and his skills, of course, but he is the sole reason why Jerry Bruckheimer extended his part in the film. "He didn't miss a shot".  After spending time with him, I realized that he was something special. This book is no surprise, you can't put value to this. Bestseller."

--Derrick Luke, Actor

* A free PDF Reader can be downloaded from Adobe at: www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html


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